Greetings in Christ!
This year we have adopted new church software called ChurchTrac, which incorporates all our financial and administrative processes into a single program at a low cost to our parish. ChurchTrac also provides a new donor portal (through Stripe) with a substantially lower user fee than Subsplash, which means even more of your donation will come directly to St. Alexis Church.
If you have set up recurring weekly or monthly donations through Subsplash and you would rather not make changes at this time, NO PROBLEM! Continue just as you have done before. The Subsplash online option will remain open.
Otherwise, we encourage you to use the new ChurchTrac online giving option, which you can access here:
You can set up an account making future offerings easy, or you can donate as a “guest” as noted at the bottom of the screen. Note that ACH deposits set up directly from your bank account include a minimal $0.25 user fee charged to the Church. Fees for debit and credit card transactions are significantly higher, of course, but we welcome those donations as well.
If you have ANY questions or encounter any problems, our Treasurer (Helen Ireland 443-987-1933) and Assistant to the Treasurer (SDn. Daniel Ivanovsky 386-243-0585) are happy to help. As we continue to strive for best practices in our stewardship, watch for monthly financial reports that will soon be included in the church newsletter. If you are not already receiving the St. Alexis weekly bulletin/newsletter, you may email Mka Rozanne ([email protected]) requesting to be added to the church email list.
Let me take this opportunity to thank you again for your tithes and offerings to St. Alexis Orthodox Church, a Mission of the Orthodox Church in America. We are not only growing numerically but, by God’s grace, the inner temple of our lives is also being built up through Bible studies, catechism sessions, community fellowship, outreach, participation in the sacraments, and offering a steadily increasing number of services. In it all, we are becoming disciples of Jesus Christ as we participate in making new disciples. This is our Vision. And you are a part of it!
May God grant you a most life-giving Holy Lent and a glorious Pascha!
Yours because of Christ,
Fr. David
PS Giving online through ChurchTrac may also be done with your cell phone using the QR Code below.
To continue using Subsplash use the donate form below.
Your transaction is safe and secure.

Schedule of Sunday Services
Confession offered approximately 30 minutes before each service, including Sunday mornings and by appointment with the priest.
9:10 AM: Hours (prayers in preparation for service)
9:30 AM: Divine Liturgy (the worship service)
After the service all are invited to join us for Coffee Hour and fellowship
Programs for children, youth and adults offered after most services